International Conference "P.A.
Cherenkov and Modern Physics"
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow
June 22-25, 2004
A block of single- and double-bed rooms is booked for
conference participants and accompanying persons
in the
Academy Hotel "Uzkoe"
(South of Moscow, walking distance to the metro station "Yasenevo", address:
Litovsky Boulevard, 3a ;
tel. (095) 427-3611; fax (095) 427-5600).
Approximate price is 40 US$ (single room) and 60 US$ (double room)
per night.
The Organizing Committee will pay a 5-day stay in the Hotel "Uzkoe"
for participants of the Conference.
In case if somebody of participants prefers to live
in another hotel, the Organizing Committee could help to make
a reservation; it will also cover part of a hotel bill
in the amount of the cost of a 5-day-stay at "Uzkoe".
There will be buses for transportation between the Hotel "Uzkoe",
the Lebedev Institute in Moscow
Leninsky prospect, 53 or - another entrance - Vavilova street, 38),
and the Lebedev Institute in Troitsk.