P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Russian Academy of Sciences

International Conference
P.A. Cherenkov and Modern Physics

Moscow, June 22 - 25, 2004

Information bulletin #1

    Dear participants:

     We appreciate very much your interest in participation in the International Conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of Pavel Cherenkov - academician and Nobel laureate. You will find more information at the conference web site http://x4u.lebedev.ru/che2004.

     In particular, you will find there lists of members of the International Advisory Committee, Local Organizing Committee, and Local Program Committee, as well as a preliminary list of speakers. A preliminary program includes at the moment only invited talks. Additional contributions will be considered and selected by the Local Program Committee for oral presentation. Non-selected contributions can be presented at the poster session.


     A block of single- and double-bed rooms is booked for conference participants and accompanying persons in the Academy Hotel "Uzkoe" (South of Moscow, close to the metro station "Yasenevo", address: Litovsky Boulevard, 3A, tel. (7 095) 427-3611, fax (7 095) 427-5600). Approximate price is 40 US$ (single room) and 60 US$ (double room) per night.

     The Organizing Committee will pay for a 5-day stay in the Hotel "Uzkoe" for participants of the Conference. In case if somebody of participants prefers to live in another hotel, the Organizing Committee could help to make a reservation; it will also cover part of a hotel bill in the amount of the cost of a 5-day-stay at "Uzkoe". There will be buses for transportation between the Hotel "Uzkoe", the Lebedev Institute in Moscow, and the Lebedev Institute in Troitsk.

     Free lunches and coffee breaks will be provided during the Conference. There will a conference dinner (also free).

Conrefence fee

     All participants are asked to pay a conference fee during registration - in the amount of 100 US$ (or equivalent 80 Euro or 2900 rubles) in cash.


     Moscow has two international airports -- Sheremetevo and Domodedovo. We kindly ask participants to let us know the arrival/departure information (dates, time, airport, the flight number, etc) which we need in order to arrange meeting and transportation.


On the behalf of the Local Organizing Committee,

E.I. Malinovsky
scientific secretary of the Conference

P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute
Leninsky Prospect, 53
Moscow 119991, Russia

phone: (7 095) 334-0119; 334-0246
fax: (7 095) 938-2251

E-mail: che2004@venus.lpi.troitsk.ru or, optionally, che2004@sci.lebedev.ru
www: http://x4u.lebedev.ru/che2004