13.06.1995 ===== OnLine ==== H1KFOM === H1Lumi OnLineSW Tools Status Today it was made new attempt to collect into one list all OnLine SW products which are ready on today for working inside H1Lumi OnLine System. Its are working or inside H1Lumi/H1Lumi2 MacIIs or inside some from 3 FICs or inside HERA's MacII or inside ZEUS's MacII or inside any MacII at H1 LAN area: a) ReadOut SW Tools: -------------------- 1) TwinFIC1..............26.04.95 23:44 88926 application (MPW RTF) 2) TwinFIC1slave.........27.04.95 01:39 42172 application (MPW RTF) b) OnLine Luminosity Measurement,OnLine Calibrations, Monitoring and Control Tool: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) H1LumiOnLineFIC2......07.05.95 12:56 234398 application (MPW RTF) c) H1Lumi System Monitoring and Control Tools: ---------------------------------------------- 4) LTH1..................07.06.95 22:10 75583 application (MPW Pasc LongTermHist..........23.05.95 15:37 64481 application (MPW Pasc 5) DAQmonitor............12.05.95 21:40 40760 application (MPW Pasc 6) T_MonitorNC...........30.04.93 19:52 1177286 SuperCard application 7) BeamProfile...........09.08.94 20:41 157968 application (MacApp) 8) BeamPosition..........03.09.93 17:11 26726 appl.(former DA) 9) Energy_fic1...........15.04.93 13:10 19776 appl.(former DA) 10) Energy_Newb09.........03.09.93 17:12 19570 appl.(former DA) 11) Intensity_b09.........03.09.93 17:13 26103 appl.(former DA) 12) Bunches_hw............03.09.93 17:11 18475 appl.(former DA) 13) NewFastLumiMonitor95..11.11.91 15:17 894720 SuperCard project SharedFile............12.06.90 00:00 505706 SuperCard project 14) Beam_Currents (beams currents and transmission monitoring) d) Tool for supporting of OnLine Luminosity Measurements: ---------------------------------------------------------- 14) Beam_Currents.........08.06.95 20:13 51050 application (ThinkC) BeamC.Rsrc............11.06.95 15:32 52885 resource file e) OnLine Luminosity Measurements Presentation and Distribution Tools: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 15) LTV...................06.06.95 13:11 89344 application (ThinkC) LTVmon.Rsrc...........06.06.95 13:08 101209 resource file 16) Lproc.................14.05.95 16:36 32876 application (ThinkC) Lserv.Rsrc............13.04.95 16:55 16204 resource file 17) H1_Lumi...............07.06.95 00:37 66194 application (ThinkC) H1_Lumi.Rsrc..........09.06.95 16:54 99892 resource file 18) H1Lumi_10minutes_Monitor 09.05.95 13:19 44196 application (ThinkC) Lfclient.Rsrc........... 01.06.95 13:38 23654 resource file 19) H1Lumi_2 _hours_Monitor. 29.05.95 13:45 44062 application (ThinkC) L2hclient.Rsrc.......... 29.05.95 14:21 23872 resource file 20) H1Lumi_20_hours_Monitor. 29.05.95 13:54 44082 application (ThinkC) LLclient.Rsrc........... 29.05.95 14:21 23236 resource file 21) Lserver4unix..........09.10.94 21:57 46090 application (ThinkC) Lserv.Rsrc............05.10.94 16:24 16073 resource file f) SlowControl Tools: --------------------- 6) T_MonitorNC (connected with Central SlowControl System - BBL3 alrms 14) Beam_Currents(connected with Central SlowControl System - SlowEvent 22) CAEN..................02.05.94 08:40 126652 SuperCard Project 23) MovablePlatforms......03.02.91 19:10 113792 SuperCard Project P.S. For all SuperCard Project - creation dates are written into list, for all other - last modification dates are written into list. for any case - application disposition: H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Development:LTVMonitor: LTV H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Development:Lproc: Lproc H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Applications:LAN_Appls: H1_Lumi H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Applications:LAN_Appls: H1Lumi_10minutes_Monitor H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Applications:LAN_Appls: H1Lumi_2 _hours_Monitor H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Applications:LAN_Appls: H1Lumi_20_hours_Monitor H1Lumi2:HD_LPI: T_MonitorNC H1Lumi2:HD_H1LUMI:OnlHistory: LongTermHist,LTH1 H1Lumi:HD_LPI:MPW:Wdog: DAQmonitor H1Lumi:HD_LPI:Applications:Lserever4unix: Lserver4unix H1Lumi2:HD_LPI:Applications: MovablePlatforms H1Lumi:HD_LPI:Applications: CAEN H1LumiOnLine Applications Standard/Option Operation: ---------------------------------------------------- + standard operation |FICs H1Lumi H1Lumi2 HERAMac ZEUSMac anyMac o option | Mac Mac ---------------------------|------------------------------------------ TwinFIC1 | + | + TwinFIC1slave | + | + ---------------------------|------------------------------------------ H1LumiOnLineFIC2 | + | + -----------------------|---|------------------------------------------ LTH1 | + | + DAQmonitor | + | + o T_MonitorNC | + | + BeamProfile | o | o o BeamPosition | + | + o Energy_fic1 | o | o o Energy_Newb09 | + | + o Intensity_b09 | o | o o Bunches_hw | + | + o NewFastLumiMonitor95 | o | o o -----------------------|---|------------------------------------------ Beam_Currents | + | + -----------------------|---|------------------------------------------ LTV | + | + Lproc | + | + H1_Lumi | + | + + + o H1Lumi_10minutes_Monitor o | o o o o H1Lumi_2 _hours_Monitor| + | + + + o H1Lumi_20_hours_Monitor| + | + + + o Lserver4unix | + | + -----------------------|---|------------------------------------------ CAEN | o | o MovablePlatforms | o | o ----------------------------------------------------------------------