Luminosity Logbook Message-id: 19980817-2 Subject: H1Lumi OnLine Status on today Alexandre Fomenko wrote 18/8/1998 00:02:00 17.08.1998 ===== OnLine ===== H1KFOM === H1Lumi OnLine Status on today There are some new releases of H1Lumi OnLine Software Applications in compare with earlier proclaimed "H1Lumi OnLine Status on today" from 16.08.98 (here at this year LogBook): CDAQ FICs applications (are prepared at H1Lumi2 MacII environment): --------- 1) HD_H1LUMI:Upgrade98:Centraldaq:TwinFIC1new (Master.bin) TwinFIC1new.....................MPST MPS .....98478 Mon, Aug 17, 11:02 AM 1998 Update of only one subroutine was made (ReadTriggerBank.f). HD_H1LUMI:Upgrade98:Centraldaq:RTFSources2:ReadTriggerBank.f ReadTriggerBank.f...............TEXT MPS ......4146 Mon, Aug 17, 10:53 AM 1998 It were removed reading of H1LumiLocalTimer from CDAQ-branch (changed on H1LumiLocalTimer value from LUMI-branch) and reading of C8-scaler for Total Photon Arm Trigger Counts (PD-trigger element). The value '5555AAAA'X is writting ever into 1st word of LRTN-bank 1 LCTOT I 0 +INF ! Total Luminosity Counter ---------------------------------------------------- Lumi FICs applications (are prepared at H1Lumi MacII environment): --------- 1) HD_LPI5:MPW:Upgrade98:After170498:LocalDAQ:H1LumiOnLineFIC2 (Lumi.bin) H1LumiOnLineFIC2................MPST MPS ....253088 Mon, Aug 17, 10:09 AM 1998 Update of only one subroutine was made (LumiMonitoringPD.f). HD_LPI5:MPW:Upgrade98:After170498:LocalDAQ:Lib2:LumiMonitoringPD.f LumiMonitoringPD.f..............TEXT MPS .....34561 Mon, Aug 17, 09:56 AM 1998 Bug was removed (Average Trigger Energy did not get from H1Lumi2 running application). That value is using at OnLineLumicalculation for making correction factor on threshold changing in compare with some reference value with formula: correction = 1.+ 0.067*(15.78-PDETR1))*(65.523/59.12) VSB-access was added for getting it. At all previous OnLine Lumi measurements "1." was got as correction factor on possible PD threshold changing. At LUMM-bank which were recorded at 1998 value PDETR1 can be found as zero or as some random value. ---------------------------------------------------- H1Lumi MacII - applications ( ------------ 1) HD_LPI5:MPW:Wdog:DAQmon98L (+Lumi.bin, Lumi2.bin) LUMI.bin........................TEXT ****....262144 Mon, Aug 17, 10:16 AM 1998 New release was booted into FIC2-environment at 10:20 17.08.98 ---------------------------------------------------- H1Lumi2 MacII - applications ( ------------- 1) HD_H1LUMI:Backup:MPW:Wdog98:DAQcontr98(+Master.bin, Slave.bin) Master.bin......................TEXT ****....131072 Mon, Aug 17, 11:07 AM 1998 New release was booted into FIC1-Master environment at 11:10 17.08.98. First H1 Run with "new" LRTN-bank contents is 216191.