Cherenkov Readings are thought as regular scientific conferences devoted to
actual problems of modern physics that are related to activity of Pavel
Alexeevich Cherenkov, academician and the Nobel Prize laureate who made a
prominent contribution to a development of science and experimental
methods. Such Readings provide a forum for presentation of new ideas and
results and simultaneously propagand achievements of the native science. An
important aim of the Readings is bringing new young people to the science.
So, teachers, students and aspirants from leading universities are welcome
to participate.
The first Cherenkov Readings in such a format has successfully been
conducted in 2008 in LPI, that is in the institute where Cherenkov
radiation was discovered and explained in 1934-1937. Among subjects of that
Reading were selected topics in physical optics, Roentgen and soft-gamma
radiation, physics of nuclear-nuclear collisions. The Second Cherenkov
Readings organized next year has mainly been devoted to new experimental
methods in nuclear and particle physics. The main topics of interest were
detectors and installations, both acting and under construction, for
experiments at the biggest accelerators and for studying cosmic rays,
including various Cherenkov detectors. Such themes of the Readings have
been found well demanded, and it was decided to keep them in the nearest
The 10-th Cherenkov Readings are supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 17-02-20105.