10:00 |
Opening |
10:10 |
L.N.Smirnova (SINP MSU)
"Search for dark matter in the ATLAS experiment".
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10:40 |
S.V.Ivanov (IHEP)
"Proton and carbon beams of the accelerator U-70".
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11:10 |
N.P.Topchiev (LPI RAS)
"New methods of developing scientific instruments for detecting gamma rays of high and ultra-high energies in the space experiment GAMMA-400".
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11:40 |
coffee |
12:00 |
N.M.Nesterova (LPI RAS)
"Developing at LPI first in the world setups for detecting Cherenkov radiation from EAS, studying the nature of cosmic rays, and searching for local sources".
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12:10 |
V.M.Aynutdinov (INR RAS)
"Baikal neutrino experiment".
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12:40 |
V.A.Khomyakov (MEPhI)
"Quasispherical modules for Cherenkov water detectors".
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13:10 |
S.V.Afanasiev (JINR)
"Creating a radiation resistent hadron calorimeter based on plastic scintillators and Cherenkov radiators".
13:40 |
lunch, coffee |
14:20 |
P.A.Sadykov (INR RAS)
"Neutron studies with pulsed sources".
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14:50 |
K.A.Ivanov (ILC MSU)
"Optimization of laser-plasma impulse gamma-sources of a new generation".
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15:20 |
G.M.Gurevich (INR RAS)
"Measurement of proton spin polarizabilities".
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15:50 |
V.G.Nedorezov (INR RAS)
"New methods of studies of unstable mesons interaction with nuclear medium".
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16:20 |
Closing |
SINP MSU - Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
IHEP - Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino
LPI RAS - Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
INR RAS - Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
ILC MSU - International Laser Center of M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
The 8-th Cherenkov Readings are sponsored by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 15-02-20153.