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Preliminary Program

10:00 Opening
10:05 L.A.Bityutskaya (VSU)
"On a Youth Inter-regional School-Conference Cherenkov Readings in Voronezh" - download slides.
10:15 L.N.Smirnova (SINP MSU)
"Physics results from Large Hadron Collider" - download slides.
10:40 S.A.Sadovsky (IHEP)
"Results of the ALICE experiment".
11:05 T.A.Dzhatdoev (SINP MSU)
"Results of the OPERA experiment - neutrino oscillations" - download slides.
11:30 coffee
11:50 S.P.Denisov, A.A.Shchukin (IHEP)
"New results of experiments at Tevatron" - download slides.
12:15 I.A.Savin (JINR)
"Studies of the nucleon structure in deep-inelastic scattering of high-energy muons". COMPASS experiment.
12:40 A.I.Lebedev (LPI RAS)
"Electroproduction of hadron jets with heavy quarks" - download slides.
13:05 E.N.Golovach (SINP MSU)
"Nucleon resonances in electroproduction of π+π- pairs off the nucleon". JLab experiments.
13:30 lunch, coffee
14:15 S.S.Khokhlov (MEPhI)
"Cascade showers in a Cherenkov water detector" - download slides.
14:40 A.P.Chubenko (LPI RAS)
"Neutrons generated in lead by hadrons from extensive air showers" - download slides.
15:05 G.M.Gurevich (INR RAS)
"Active scintillator polarized target" - download slides.
15:30 coffee
15:50 V.N.Fetisov (LPI RAS)
"About nuclear and Coulomb interaction in coherent fragmentation of relativistic nuclei in photoemulsion" - download slides.
16:10 A.S.Boldyrev (SINP MSU)
"Gas-pixel detectors for the ATLAS experiment" - download slides.
16:30 K.A.Ivanov (MSU)
"New photonuclear methods on the base of femtosecond lasers" - download slides.
16:50 M.G.Sapozhnikov (JINR)
"A setup for detecting hidden explosives with taggered neutrons" - download slides.
17:10 A.V.Serov (LPI RAS)
"Transition radiation in complex structures" - download slides.
17:30 Closing

VSU - Voronezh State University.
SINP MSU - Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics MSU.
IHEP - Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino.
JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
LPI RAS - Lebedev Physical Institute RAS.
NRNU MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute.
INR RAS - Institute for Nuclear Research RAS.
MSU - Lomonosov Moscow State University.

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V Cherenkov Readings: New Methods in Experimental Nuclear and Particle Physics.