Preliminary Program
10:00 |
Opening |
10:10 |
V.G.Nedorezov (INR), A.B.Savel’ev (MSU)
"Photon beams obtained with backward Compton scattering and other methods. Project for a coherent gamma quanta source with a femtosecond laser of ILC MSU" - download slides. |
10:40 |
S.G.Basiladze (SINP MSU)
"Signal, data, and information in physical measurements" - download slides. |
11:10 |
O.D.Dalkarov (LPI)
"Stimulation of nuclear reactions at low energies" - download slides. |
11:40 |
coffee |
12:00 |
S.P.Denisov (IHEP)
"On a possibility of precise measurement of differential cross sections of elastic hadron scattering in a wide momentum transfer region at the IHEP accelerator" - download slides. |
12:30 |
A.I.Malakhov (JINR)
"Experiments on a search for a dense baryon matter" - download slides. |
13:00 |
A.V.Popov (IHEP)
"Study of a single and pair production of J/Ψ at Tevatron" - download slides. |
13:30 |
lunch, coffee |
14:10 |
S.M.Polozov (MEPhI)
"A radiation source for medical Roentgenography using radiation of electrons during channeling in crystals" - download slides. |
14:40 |
R.P.Kokoulin (MEPhI)
"Study of the energy deposit of muon groups in the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD" - download slides. |
15:10 |
E.A.Kravchenko (INP, Novosibirsk)
"Cherenkov ring detector with a focusing aerogel radiator" - download slides. |
15:40 |
coffee |
16:00 |
A.G.Voronin (SINP MSU)
"Integral microchips for detection in particle physics" - download slides. |
16:20 |
E.O.Kurbatov (SINP MSU)
"Track system of the CLAS12 experiment" - download slides. |
16:40 |
I.A.Kudryashov (SINP MSU)
"A source of slow positrons for annihilation spectroscopy" - download slides. |
17:00 |
I.M.Kovalev (SINP MSU)
"Technology of KLEM in the space experiment Nucleony" - download slides. |
17:20 |
Closing |
INR RAS - Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences
MSU - Lomonosov Moscow State University
SINP MSU - Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
LPI RAS - Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
IHEP - Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino
JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
INP, Siberian Branch of RAS - G.I.Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian branch
MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»