10:00 |
Opening (N.N. Kolachevsky, LPI)
Chair: O.D. Dalkarov (LPI)
10:05 |
L.N. Smirnova (SINP MSU)
Observation of a new two-photon resonance at LHC?
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10:20 |
D.S. Gorbunov (INR RAS)
Two-photon 750-GeV resonance at LHC?
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10:50 |
V.N. Rudenko (SAI MSU, INR RAS)
"Sagnac giroscope" as a detector of weak gravi-inertial perturbations (project "Sagnac Ring")
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11:20 |
R.V. Misyuk (LPI, MEPhI)
Exotic quarkonium and Cherenkov detectors
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11:50 |
Chair: N.G. Polukhina (LPI)
12:10 |
A.A. Voinov (JINR) [on behalf of the FLNR JINR, ORNL, LLNL Collaboration]
Synthesis of superheavy elements at Dubna gas-filled separator
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12:40 |
P.I. Zarubin, A.A. Zaitsev (JINR, LPI)
Unstable nuclei in coherent dissociation of light nuclei
slides (1)
slides (2). |
13:10 |
P.I. Zarubin (JINR)
Automatic analysis of nuclear emulsion irradiated by slow ions and neutrons
slides. |
13:30 |
Coffee. Lunch
Chair: V.A. Ryabov (LPI)
14:10 |
J.A. Vazdik (LPI)
Experimental studies of photoproduction off pion (experiment H1)
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14:40 |
A.M. Krassilchtchikov (Ioffe Inst.)
Cherenkov gamma-astronomy in the GeV range: Project ALEGRO
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15:10 |
A.S. Lidvansky (INR RAS)
Variations of cosmic rays during thunderstorms and new geophysical effects
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15:40 |
Chair: A.A. Petrukhin (MEPhI)
16:00 |
V.A. Khomyakov (MEPhI)
Space distribution of Cherenkov radiation of cascade showers in water
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16:30 |
A.S. Kubankin (Uni Belgorod, LPI)
Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation in the soft Roentgen radiation range
slides. |
17:00 |
SINP MSU - Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University
INR RAS - Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
SAI MSU - Sternberg Astronomical Institute of Moscow University
LPI - P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
JINR - Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Ioffe Inst. - Ioffe Institute
Uni Belgorod - Belgorod National Research University
The 9-th Cherenkov Readings are sponsored by Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 16-02-20131.