10:00 |
10:10 |
D.S.Gorbunov (INR RAS)
"LHC: is the end or start of a new physics?" - download slides.
10:35 |
S.V.Petrushanko (SINP MSU)
"First CMS results on nuclear-nuclear collisions" - download slides. |
11:00 |
I.I.Royzen (LPI RAS)
"QCD versus black holes of the star masses" - download slides. |
11:25 |
coffee |
11:45 |
Yu.G.Kudenko, M.M.Khabibullin (INR RAS)
"Accelerator studies of neutrino oscillations" - download slides. |
12:10 |
V.V.Sinev (INR RAS)
"Reactor neutrino experiment on a search for the Θ13 mixing angle" - download slides. |
12:35 |
E.V.Shirokov (SINP MSU)
"Deep-underwater neutrino Cherenkov telescopes" - download slides. |
13:00 |
lunch, coffee |
14:00 |
V.M.Grichine (LPI RAS)
"Threshold of Cherenkov radiation and angular distribution in real medium" - download slides. |
14:25 |
V.V.Prosin (SINP MSU)
"First TUNKA-133 results on studying EAS with Cherenkov light" - download slides. |
14:50 |
A.P.Serebrov (PNPI)
"High-intensity source of ultra-cold neutrons for fundamental and applied research" - download slides. |
15:15 |
A.V.Stavinskiy, K.R.Mikhailov (ITEP)
"Position-sensitive neutron detector with avalanche photodiodes" - download slides. |
15:40 |
coffee |
16:00 |
V.G.Nedorezov (INR RAS)
"Experimental projects of electron-nucleus colliders" - download slides. |
16:25 |
I.A.Koop (INP, Novosibirsk, RAS)
"Experimental and theoretical study of collision effects for round beams" - download slides. |
16:50 |
V.G.Kurakin (LPI RAS)
"Superconducting accelerator structures" - download slides. |
17:15 |
Closure |