H1 LPI page
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Hot News
H1 Polarization Group home page (Nelly Gogitidze)
H1 Lumi server home page (I.Sheviakov)
Offline lumi estimate (Nelly Gogitidze, report at H1 Collaboration Meeting, 25-Feb-04)
Comparison of the acceptances of the electron taggers at HERA-I and HERA_II (V.Andreev, S.Levonian)
H1 publications (short listing)
Get here a short list of H1 Publications.
H1 Conference page
Get here a list of H1 & ZEUS Talks at Conferences and Conference Papers.
LUMI Documentation
Get here a list of Lumi, Polarisation & H1 LPI people related papers, h1 notes and reports.
Operating the Lumi System
Shift Instructions (HERA-II setup)
Shift Instructions (HERA-I setup)
L4 Histogram Description
Experts ONCALL
Luminosity Summary Plots and Tables
Luminosity Summary Plots
Luminosity Summary Tables
On-line data
Current Luminosity
Current Run Summary
H1 vs ZEUS Lumi
(last 24h, gif)
H1 short term history
(last 24h, gif)
Run Summary (table and plot)
Run Statistics:
| 2000
| 99
| 98
| 97
| 96
| 95 |
Summary Tables:
| 2000
| 99e+
| 99e-
| 98
| 97
| 96
| 95
| 94e+
| 94e-
| 93
| 92 |
Help for lumiinfo tools
Online Photon Detector Calibration
(19-11-03, A.Specka)
Offline Photon Detector Calibration
(18-09-03, V.Andreev,H1 Coll. meeting, CPPM,Marseille)
Energy resolution
(04-04-01, S.Levonian)
Offline recalibration of ET33
(18-03-01, A.Fomenko, S.Levonian)
Status After End Of HERA-1 Data Taking
(26-09-00, A.Fomenko)
Miscalibration Effect of ET33 discovered at 1997
(28-01-98, S.Levonian)
1997 history plots
1996 history plots
1995 history plots
News from Archives
Electron Taggers
ET6 & ET40 Status During H1 Data Taking 2003-2004
(25-02-2004, N.Gogitidze,H1 Coll. meeting, DESY, HH)
ET6 and ET40 Status. H1 Data Quality meeting, DESY, HH
(28-05-2003, Yu.Soloviev)
ET-33 acceptance in years 1998-2000 - details and the using at H1OO framework
(13-09-2002, S.Levonian)
ET08 acceptance in 2000 running period
(09-06-2002, V.Andreev)
ET44 acceptance in 2000 running period
(09-06-2002, V.Andreev)
Beam Tests of the New H1 Electron Tagger - ET6 (h1-1101-597, H1 Internal Note)
ET-33 acceptance in years 1998-2000
(14-03-2001, S.Levonian)
ET08 acceptance in 1998-99 running period
(26-04-2000, V.Andreev)
ET44 acceptance in 1999 running period
(30-03-2000, V.Andreev)
ET44 acceptance in 1998 running period
(21-12-1999, V.Andreev)
New Electron Tagger at 8m from IP
(20-01-1998, I.Sheviakov)
ET6 & ET40 proposal for HERA II - 13-17 pages from h1-0698-544
ET44 acceptance in 1997 running period
(06-06-1998, V.Andreev)
ET44 acceptance in 1996 running period
(20-05-1997, V.Andreev)
Modifications during shut down 96/97
(17-02-1997, I.Sheviakov)
ET_08 Full Proposal (h1-0896-485, H1 Internal Note)
(15-04-1996, Yu.Soloviev)
ET_08 design
(6-03-1996, I.Sheviakov)
ET_44 upgrade
(6-03-1996, I.Sheviakov)
ET_44 operation scheme for 1996
(18-05-1995, V.Andreev)
Status for 1995 running
(11-04-1995, V.Andreev, S.Levonian, E.Malinovski, Yu.Soloviev)
Full Proposal "Proposal for new Detectors to Increase the Photon Tagging Acceptance" h1-0994-383
(28-09-1994, V.Andreev, S.Egli, R.Eichler, S.Levonian)
Motivation for tagging upgrade
(June-1994, S.Levonian)
Photon arm
Photon Detector Calibration
(19-11-03, A.Specka)
A Quarz Fibre Calorimeter Hodoscope for the Luminosity Measurement at HERA
(08-10-98, A.Specka)
HERA II Photon Detector Page
Photon Arm Modifications
(20-01-98, I.Sheviakov)
Short description of the upgrade
(Feb-1995, A.Usik)
LUMI reports on H1 Data Quality meetings
(07-10-96, S.Levonian, N.Gogitidze, V.Andreev, Yu.Soloviev, I.Sheviakov. L.Shtarkov)
Trigger and DAQ
LUMI system BOS bank list for HERA-I and HERA-II
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 2002
New Releases of OnLine Program for Luminosity_2000 subbranch
(10-07-2002 - 27.10.2002, A.Fomenko)
The Base release of ReadOut program for FIC8231 for work with H1CDAQ for new "Lumi 2000" subbranch
(27-02-2002, A.Fomenko)
Online software status for 1999
(15-03-1999, A.Fomenko)
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 1998
H1Lumi OnLine Status on today
(17-08-1998, A.Fomenko)
H1Lumi OnLine Status on today
(16-08-1998, A.Fomenko)
Online software status for 1998
(16-06-1998, A.Fomenko)
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 1997
Lumi System DAQ upgrade during shut down 96/97
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 1996
Online software status for 1996
(30-07-1996, A.Fomenko)
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 1995
Status of DAQ upgrade for 1995
Online software status for 1995
(13-06-1995, A.Fomenko)
Lumi trigger bits and subtriggers used in 1994
Description of the L4 histograms
Luminosity Logbooks
26.02.1997-15.11.2000, 4 parts
("closed" at 15-11-2000, S.Levonian)
21.06.1991-26.12.1996, at DESY IBM 3090, 14 parts
("closed" at 26-12-1996, S.Levonian)
Luminosity Related HyperNews
Detector Components - Luminosity System
("opened" at 08-11-2000 and "active" up to now)
Detector Components - Lumi Run Summaries
("opened" at 20-04-2002 and "active" up to now)
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Last update: 07.04.2004 by